5 Random things about my life.

I saw another blogger do this and thought it is nice to know a bit about someone that is so random and sometimes so out there. I love the fact that when you read people’s stories we realize how different we all are and we have our own bits and pieces that we have been through in life. The good and the ugly but somehow reading this bloggers facts I felt I knew them a little better. You might not get that from this blog of mine. For one I was trying to find facts about myself that people don’t know but most people know me better than I know myself. You see, I wear my heart on my sleeve and have a bad habit of sharing way to much. This isn’t because I like talking about myself, I just love to help people and think maybe what I have been through can help. I love to talk things out “Good Talk” great quote. Anyway here goes. 5 RANDOM facts about ME-

1. I’m divorced. This is the fact that most people will know about me, but probably won’t know the story behind it. And no I’m not sharing that (hopefully one day I have the strength to) but easy way to put it. I believe in love and happiness forever. I just made a mistake first time round. I’m very blessed to get a 2nd shot at it. And I know this time it’s the happily ever after type 

2. I look ridiculous in hats. Doesn’t matter what type of hat, my head is just way to small. End of story.


3. I love love the Dr Phil Show. I schedule my day around 12 o’clock to watch him!! Was so so angry today when some stupid car racing was on. Damn it. I didn’t get my fix today. Oh how I love his bald head and moe. What a funny looking man he is, just cracks me up and I honestly thing that half the time he just wants to punch his guests in the face. I’m waiting for the day that he does. I also like trashie american TV like Judge Judy, Hot Bench, People’s court etc

4. My fear of butter or margarine. It gives me the creeps when butter/margarine is on a salad roll. I can’t handle it when you can see it on the lettuce or the cheese ahhhhhh It’s making me cringe thinking about it. I can have it just on a plain piece of bread or roll. I know its a strange one but for me it’s like nails on a chalk board.

5. My friends I have now mean the world to me and more. I value my friends so so much and feel very blessed everyday for the friendships in my life. And it’s the ones that are in my life now, that will be forever friends and they all have an impact and inspire me differently each and everyday. I wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t for them. 

It's never to late to make new friends.

It’s never to late to make new friends.

These girls stuck by me when I was at my ugliest. We are all individuals and I think that's why we fit together like jaggered puzzle pieces.  We will grow old together and it will be all sorts of awesome.

These girls stuck by me when I was at my ugliest. We are all individuals and I think that’s why we fit together like jaggered puzzle pieces. We will grow old together and it will be all sorts of awesome.

And that’s that then. I hope you learnt a little bit more about me. You can all join in as well. Leave a comment with your facts or blog about it and put the link in the comments. I enjoy hearing other people’s story.

Goodbye for now! Good Talk.

Regards much love and hugs Kate and Frankieellen