New year, New you #bullshit

So we are in the 2nd week of 2016 and this blog post was meant to be up and running by January 1st and this is why I don’t buy into the resolution crap. First year ever not making resolutions and this gives a little insight onto why we don’t need them and why I believe new year, new you is a little bit of bullshit. Hope you enjoy my little story.


I’m always that person that has new year resolution but usually fails in the first week into the year or January 1st. So, this year I’m not even going to bother with it and to be honest there isn’t a whole lot I want to change in my life. Even if there was why do we wait to the new year? Why not just start eating healthy, saving money, writing a blog a week, whatever it might be change it right there and then. Why wait to make the change in your life? We don’t need a date to quit smoking just do it. Just make a choice to change your bad habits in a moment.


We get in and dated with our newsfeed full of “2016 is the year for me” or “It’s my year to become a better person physically and mentally” blah blah blah blah no pressure people no pressure. Just because we have a brand new year doesn’t mean we shouldn’t change before that or that we need to change at all. Yes it’s an amazing feeling when the clock strikes 12 and we have a shining new year ahead of us to do what we wish with. A brand new year to conquer the world. And you can. But why have resolutions? There is no error, once broken we give up. (mostly in the first week) or we make completely unrealistic goals.

I have never been really good at even keeping promises to myself so I find it easier to set small goals and just believe in the moment, time is precious, but we have all the time in the world for dreams to come true. Even if you had a bad year in 2015 don’t say “Fuck 2015 fresh new start 2016.” Great good on you for having a positive outlook on what the future year is going to have for you, but don’t put pressure on having the best year ever. I hope every year in the future is my best year yet. What if you fail at your resolutions in the first month? We get depressed and say we can’t do anything, but realistically we make mistakes and we certainly learn from them. And that’s just life. If you make the choice to lose weight but then have a block of chocolate well that resolution is broken, but that’s ok. Are you going to wait for a new year to start again? AHHH NO What do you think will happen if you keep eating the chocolate for that whole year. Just make the change today not tomorrow, not yesterday, but today. Oh hell I’m getting like all motivational speaker on people’s asses. This just really shits me when people whinge about their lives. Just be happy with what you have and if your not you are the only one that can make that change and waiting for the new year is possibly the worse thing you can do.


On a lighter note I have had one resolution over my 31 years that I have stuck with. This is how bad I’m at sticking with anything. It is possibly the dumbest resolution ever but here it is. ‘Don’t read your horoscopes for a whole year.’ and I stuck at that. It might seem such a small thing but when you read them from every magazine every day (this is because I worked in a newsagent) you become a little obseresed and wonder why you haven’t come into any money this week or you should meet the love of your life this week. Ummmm already have him. So I started to base my life around these predictions. I needed to quit. I know they are a load of crap but I just kept reading and reading and wondering why as a Libra I don’t have high enegry and a new job. Why is my life not working out because thats what my horoscopes say? Yes I’m a strange one at times. So I made a new year’s resolution along with probably many others that year that failed, but I stuck with this one. I would flick quickly through the part of the magazine closing my eyes and freaking out when I would hear it on the morning show as that weird hippie lady would read them out lalalalalalalalalalala fingers in ears and mute the TV. Guess what? I didn’t achieve anything by not reading them, and I still read them every now and then. When the year was over and I had realised I had not broken my new years resloution I still had the same waist line and yep still smoking just the same as every year. If you want to do something you need to be in the right frame of mind not just because it’s a new year.


My 2015 New year’s eve shared with great friends and plenty of drinks and smokes

I have had so many resloutions over the years here are a few-
Eat healthy – Yeh NO!!
Write in a journal once a day- this usually lastest awhile becasue I love to write but never the whole year.
Be a happier person- Now we can’t be happy all the time, can we
Quit smoking- This needs to happen but again I love it way to much
Exercise every second day- Oh please never going to happen. I can’t exercise once a month.

Would love to hear other people’s resolutions and if you have conquered them. There is always other opinions and I love hearing them. We all very much have the same resolutions as the next person and why? Because we are all striving to be better, hotter, fitter, healthy so on and so on. We really need to stop living in a black and white world and make some room for colour or even just some grey. We need to make mistakes and not think everything is wrong or right. Don’t make resolutions! Maybe just start believing in yourself. Think about that.


This is the way to spend new years. In ya knickers and with friends


Bringing in 2016 with my lover. He did end up in his knickers with friends by the end of the night.














Well first week into the new year and I haven’t made any resolutions, first year ever. No changes. I’m happy the way I am and I have exciting things happening in 2016 holiday, wedding and things I don’t even know about yet, does it mean best year ever? Maybe? But I would hope that there are many awesome years to come. I’m just going to believe I can do anything I set my mind to, even if I don’t achieve dreams this year, there is always next year. So for now I’ll keep drinking my beer and eating chocolate because as long as I’m happy I don’t need to be pumping iron at the gym #gymselfie.
